Panattoni Park Avonmouth

Panattoni Park Avonmouth

Featuring the UK's largest spectulatively built unit

Two grade-A opportunities
407,367 & 884,219 sq ft

Available Now

Panattoni Park Avonmouth offers two grade-A opportunities of 407,367 and 884,219 sq ft, with Avonmouth 885 being the largest ever speculatively built warehouse in the UK.

Panattoni Park Avonmouth totals 1.3 million sq ft of space, including the UK’s largest ever speculative build, providing significant scale to the under-supplied national market.

Both units have a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ and EPC ‘A’ rating, along with benefiting from standard sustainability features such as a roof-mounted solar PV array, 15% warehouse rooflights and EV charging points.


Panattoni Park Avonmouth occupies a prime national distribution location.

Sat Nav

Panattoni Park Avonmouth, J1 M48, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS10 7SD

HGV Drive Times


Miles Hrs:Mins
M5 J1B 5 0:08
M48 J1 11 0:18
Bristol city centre 13 0:21
Newport 19 0:29
Bath 29 0:40
Cardiff 34 0:48
Gloucester 35 0:49
Swindon 47 0:53
Exeter 79 1:26
Birmingham 88 1:36
London 125 2:28


Miles Hrs:Mins
Bristol Airport 109 0:32
Heathrow Airport 110 1:52
East Midlands Airport 129 2:33


Miles Hrs:Mins
Bristol Avonmouth 8 0:12
Bristol Royal Portbury 8 0:12
Southampton 112 1:58
London Gateway 177 3:04
Liverpool 186 3:20

Source: Lorry Route Planner

0 – 15 mins

146,160 people

15 – 30 mins

1.1 million people

30 – 45 mins

2.2 million people

Source: Lorry Route Planner

Ready to work

In Bristol

19,100 people
want a job in Bristol

29,400 people
want a job Region Wide*

2,892,000 people
economically active across the South West

81.6% vs. 78.9% UK

*City of Bristol, South Gloucestershire & North Somerset

Source: NOMIS September 2021

Suitable skills and sectors

In Bristol

32,000 workers
Manufacturing workers

8.6% vs. 7.9% UK

30,000 workers
Transport & Storage Workers

6.1% vs. 5.1% UK

Source: NOMIS 2020

Competitive wages

Gross weekly full time pay by place of work

South West


West Midlands




Source: NOMIS 2021


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